2020: Week 53
Challenge by: Jenny Martin 2020 - what a year! Much has changed, few things have stayed the same. Even our star signs weren't safe! The introduction of a 13th star sign, Ophiuchus, threw things into disarray. Were you born on a day where your star sign has remained unchanged? Let's make a list of all those affected by the changes. Just a quick thank you for those who have stuck with us in 2020, those who joined us in 2020 and all who learnt something new about Prep! Inputs Old Star Signs and Date Range New Star Signs and Date Range Handy Date Scaffold Requirements Input the data . Be careful your data isn't mistaken for a header. Reshape and clean up the data so you have a column for the star sign, along with the start and end dates. Create a date range for the new star signs. Scaffold the data so you have a row for every date of the year (2020 is a good year to base this off, since it's even a leap year!) For the output, we're looking for a list of dates that h...