2023: Week 39 - Tennis 200 Club
Challenge by: Jenny Martin I recently found some time to dust off my dashboarding skills and build a dashboard celebrating Andy Murray's 200 Grand Slam match wins. I wanted to create a dataset that would allow me to compare him to 3 of the other members of the 200 club: Nadal, Federer and Djokovic. Tableau Prep made this task nice and simple so why not use the workflow for a Preppin' Data challenge! View on Tableau Public Inputs The data comes from tennis-data.co.uk with a file for each year (2000-2023) containing a row for each match played in that year. Requirements Input the data Bring all the files together into 1 dataset We'll only be using 7 fields for this challenge: Tournament Date Series Round Winner Loser Comment Filter to Grand Slam matches only We are only concerned with matches where Murray, Nadal, Federer or Djokovic played so filter to only these matches Remember they could be in the Winner field or the Loser field Categorise these matches as Win or Loss fo...