2020: Week 22
For many of the Preppin' Data challenges, we generate randomised data in order to keep the datasets freely shareable. Sometimes this can end up being more challenging than the challenge itself! If you've ever had to anonymise data so that you can publish a visualisation that you built using sensitive data, or built a dataset to work off of whilst waiting for access to the live data, then I'm sure you can sympathise with how frustrating this can be! You don't want the numbers to be so random that they appear unrealistic, but you also don't want to manually decide upon each value. Randomising the data at the lowest level of detail is one option, but can result in values varying too drastically when aggregating the data. A growth rate of 56% from one month to the next isn't always very realistic! This week's challenge is all about the process of generating the data for last week's challenge . It's unlikely you'll get the exact same numbers s