2023: Week 35 - HR Month - Transfers
Challenge by: Kelly Gilbert Validated by: Charalambos Pavlou Occasionally, employees may want to transfer from one distribution center to another (for example, if the employee wants to move to a different city). The company doesn’t have a consistent policy or process for that. The HR manager has asked us to figure out how often it happens, so the HR team knows if they should prioritize working on that policy. Our HR recording system has a few issues, so we’ll need to make some assumptions for this analysis. Input The DC/month assignments from Week 33 (ee_monthly_v4.csv) Requirements Input the data Flag when transfers occurred: A transfer occurs when the employee’s dc_nbr changes from month to month, and the difference in months is <= 2. Our HR system doesn’t differentiate between an employee transferring from one DC to another vs. the employee quitting and then being rehired at another DC later, so we are going to make the assumption that if the gap is no more than two months, it