What's Preppin' Data about?

Welcome to Preppin' Data.

This is a site run by Carl Allchin (@datajedininja) and Jonathan Allenby (@jonathanallenby) to give Tableau Prep users regular examples to test their Data Prep skills.

Tableau Prep is a rapidly developing tool. At the time of writing, the Prep development team is releasing monthly updates to the Prep tool. This means that users are rapidly being challenged to learn and maintain new techniques. When Jonathan asked me what ways are there to practice his Prep skills, we didn't find much and therefore, we will learn as you do.

So what will Preppin' Data involve:

  • A weekly challenge to manipulate a data set that we provide in to an output that we will publish too. 
  • On the following week, we will add the solution file to previous week's folder and set a new challenge.
There is never a single right way to conduct your data preparation (there are wrong ways where you get the wrong output) so we want to hear from you. Tweet or blog about the techniques you have learned by undertaking the challenge and also fill out our tracker so we know if you are taking part. If you share your outputs with us through an image - even better!

So I hope you all enjoy the challenges, we will not set intentionally hard challenges but we want to allow you to grow and develop your skills so we will explore lots of the functions in Tableau Prep. As Tableau Prep develops as a tool, the solutions will change so if you are starting a little later - no problem - let's hear how the developments have changed how you are able to solve the challenges. 

Have fun everyone!!

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