2019: Week 6

For week 6 of 2019, Carl and I are going to get you playing with aggregation and, more importantly, introduce you all to our side hustle: Chin & Beard Suds Co – esteemed purveyor of (fake) luxury soap products.

The Scenario:

Chin & Beard Suds Co (C&BS Co.) is looking to update their company data table which details the monthly profit generated by each product in Scotland and England. This has already been done for the first three months of 2019 for Scotland, but the March sales information for England has yet to be aggregated and added to the master table.

The March sales information for England is in its own table and contains how many units of each product type were sold in each city.

The pricing and production costs for each product type are also contained in their own sheet.

The Requirements:

  • Import the file.
  • Make sure to use all 3 sheets.
  • Use the soap pricing details to calculate the profit in each city in England in March.
  • Add the missing overall profit for each product in England in March to the Company Data table.
  • Note: The C&BS Co monthly sales period starts on the 19th of each month.

The Output

  • 4 Columns
  • 12 Rows
  • One row for each country’s monthly profit for each product type.

For comparison, here's our output file. Don't to forget to fill in our participation tracker!

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