2019: Week 15

Hi all, after last week's marathon challenge that challenged the creators to find the 'right' answer as much it challenge our "Preppers", I decided to go for a slightly more straight forward challenge this week [insert side-eyes emoji] - it's only easy when you can work it out!

This week, we are putting ourselves in the shoes of a family firm of stock-brokers. The firm has a number of branches across the country, but thankfully they have learned from previous challenges of Preppin' Data, how to put together their lists of their clients purchases. The regulators want to know whether there are any 'weird' behaviour from their clients. Because their client base is quite small, they have agreed to send a file to the regular where the same share has been purchased by multiple customers of the firm. To give the regulator more evidence, they will share what percentage that sale makes up of the whole client portfolio of the firm and within the region.


  • Input data
  • Pull a list of clients purchases together across all their regions
  • Determine the % of total sales each transaction makes up:
    • In Region
    • Across the whole firm
  • The final file should only contain sales that are not the only purchase of that share. 


  • 11 Columns
  • 1012 Rows (1013 including Headers)
  • No Nulls
For comparison, here's our output files. Don't to forget to fill in our participation tracker!

Note: Data formed in https://mockaroo.com/ which is brilliant for creating mocked up data to your particular scenario

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