2019: Week 32 Solution

You can view our full solution workflow below and download it here!
Our full solution workflow.

1. Pivot the products and associated sales.

The first step in our workflow is to convert the [Product 1] & [Product 2] fields and the [Sales] & [Sales 1] fields into two fields, [Product] & [Sales], so we have one product and one sales value per row.

To do this, we can use a column to rows pivot. First add the two product fields to Pivot1 Values. Then, add a second set of pivot values using the ‘+’ icon underneath the pivot type drop down.
Finally, add the two sales fields to the Pivot2 Values area. Take care to align [Sales] with [Product 1] and [Sales 1] with [Product 2] as this ensures they are on the correct rows together

Pivoting the Products & Sales into their correct rows.

2. Remove the dashes from the product names.

Either in a clean step or in the pivot step we just used, update the new [Product] field by creating a new calculated field with the same name as follows:


REPLACE([Product], '-', ' ')

This replaces all the dashes in our product names with spaces as desired.

3. Extract the address parts.

We used two separate techniques to pull our address apart: REGEXP_EXTRACT() & SPLIT().

a. Use RegEx to extract the property number.

We can’t simply split up the [Address] field to get the property number as some addresses don’t begin with the number whilst others do. A great way around this is using REGEXP_EXTRACT() to pull out the first string of digits in the field. The following RegEx command does just this; click on the RegEx to see the command broken down on RegEx101 in more detail.

[Property Number]


b. Use a custom split to pull out the remaining address parts.

The rest of the address parts are evenly spaced out, all separated by a comma and a space. As we just want the town, postal code, and country we can use a custom split to split off the last 3 fields using the separator ", ".

Using a custom split on the last 3 fields with ", " as a separator.
This creates the 3 fields we need. After this, we can open up the fields in the changes pane and rename them as appropriate.

Renaming custom split fields in the changes pane.
After this, all that’s left is to remove the original [Address] field and admire the results.

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