2020: Week 16

Last week, I ran a series of webinars on how to 'Think like a Data Prepper'. The webinars were recorded and can be viewed on YouTube here. For the fourth webinar, 'No Prepping Required', includes a data set that would be impossible to prepare just within the Data Connection screen of Tableau Desktop. Therefore, we thought it would be fun for you to solve in Prep instead!

*hint* If you are new to Tableau Prep, check out the fourth webinar as I run through the solution and talk you through some of the key steps if you get stuck,


Store Sales and Profits

Store days worked
  • Input the data
  • Create Sales and Profit columns (one for each measure) 
  • Create a date field
  • Add on the number of days worked by staff in each store
    • Only add staff numbers where store sales and profits exist
  • Remove excess fields
  • Output the data


One file:

  • 7 Fields:
    • Store
    • Category
    • Scent
    • Date (One row per month - there should be four months)
    • Sales
    • Profit
    • Staff days Worked
  • 48 rows (49 incl. headers)

The outputs can be found here for comparison. Don’t forget to fill the participation tracker and share your solutions using #PreppinData on Twitter.

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