2020: Week 20

There are a couple of techniques that I use when Preppin' my Data that aren't quite native in Tableau Prep yet. So I'm curious to set a challenge which requires them and see the different work arounds that people come up with!
  1. Splitting up a string into individual characters, sometimes referred to as tokenising. Currently you need to have a specific delimiter when splitting a field - what if I wanted to specify the length of each chunk that I want the string to be split into?  
  2. Concatenating strings when aggregating. Currently you can only count the values or return the min or the max, but sometimes I'd rather concatenate the multiple values!
To play with these techniques, we're looking at ciphers for this week's challenge. You've received an encrypted message and need to decode it using the provided cipher! 


There are 3 inputs this week. You may not need to use all of them, depending on how you approach the challenge.


  • Input the data.
  • Find a way to split each character of the encrypted message onto a separate line.
    • Make sure you retain the original order of the message!
  • Use the cipher to decode the message. 
  • Concatenate the individual decoded characters back into a single string.
    • Make sure those spaces haven't become nulls!
  • Smile as you've cracked the code and output the data.


No photo of the output this week, as we don't want to spoil the surprise of what the secret message says! 

The full outputs can be found here for comparison. Don’t forget to fill the participation tracker and share your solutions using #PreppinData on Twitter.

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