2020: Week 39

Challenge by: Jenny Martin

Last week, Jonathan created this amazing viz, allowing you to investigate Pret a Manger's new deal in the UK:

Explore the viz here

The premise, as explained in Jonathan's viz, is that you can order up to 5 drinks a day, every day, for £20 a month. Unfortunately, the Preppin' Data team have slightly more complex orders than the viz allows you to input. So we'll need to use Tableau Prep to see if the deal is worthwhile for everyone and how much they could save!


There are 2 inputs this week:

Price List (based on St Albans 15/09/2020)


  • Input the Data
  • Restructure the orders so we have a line per person per drink, with a count of how many times they order that drink in a week
    • Remember: extra shots or syrups will have their own prices so should be on a separate row in the data
  • Restructure the price list so we have each item with its price on a separate line
  • Join the ordered drinks to their prices
    • Beware ordered drinks not having the exact same name as on the menu
  • Calculate the monthly spend for each Dr Prepper 
    • For simplicity, we assume there are 4 weeks in a month and that the month starts on a Monday and ends on a Sunday (this is slightly different to the assumptions in Jonathan's viz!)
  • Calculate the potential savings for each person and advise whether or not they should take advantage of the deal
  • Output the data


  • 4 fields
    • Person
    • Monthly Spend
    • Potential Savings
    • Worthwhile?
  • 4 rows (5 including headers)
As the full output can be displayed here, there is no link to the output file.

After you finish the challenge make sure to fill in the participation tracker, then share your solution on Twitter using #PreppinData and tagging @Datajedininja@JennyMartinDS14@JonathanAllenby & @TomProwse1

You can also post your solution on the brand new Tableau Forum where we have a Preppin Data community page. Post your solutions and ask questions if you need any help! 

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