2020: Week 44

Challenge by: Jenny Martin

We're getting spooky this week, not only with Halloween data, but also with another click-only challenge! That's right, typed calculations are absolutely forbidden.

We've got sales data from a company selling Halloween costumes around the world, but it certainly needs a little tidying up. With their fiscal year coming to an end on Halloween itself, they want to see how their sales are comparing to last year's. Let's hope the results aren't too scary!


There is one input this week, containing Halloween costume sales from different countries: 


Remember this is a click-only challenge, no typed calculations allowed! (Although you may rename fields, we're not that harsh) 
  • Input the data.
  • Each costume is in the language of the country the sales occur in. Group these costumes together by their English translation.
    • You should have 9 costumes once you've finished grouping
  • There have been some errors when inputting country names. Use data roles to help identify and fix these errors. 
  • The fiscal year for this company begins in November each year. We want to compare sales from 2019 fiscal year (01/11/18 - 31/10/19) to sales so far in this fiscal year (01/11/19 - 27/10/20)
    • Note: to achieve this without typed calculations, you need will need to be using version 2020.3.3
  • We would like all the sales to be in one column, regardless of their discount.
  • The sales should be split into currency and value, with the value being rounded to a whole number.
    • Careful, some currencies are described by 2 words.
  • The column detailing the price discount should only contain the words "Full", "Half" or "Quarter"
  • Finally, we would like 2019 FY Sales and 2020 FY Sales to appear in 2 separate columns, for ease of comparing sales by reading across rows.
  • Output the data.


  • 6 fields 
    • Costume
    • Country
    • Currency
    • Price
    • 2019 FY Sales
    • 2020 FY Sales
  • 231 rows (232 including headers)

The full output can be downloaded here.

After you finish the challenge make sure to fill in the participation tracker, then share your solution on Twitter using #PreppinData and tagging @Datajedininja@JennyMartinDS14@JonathanAllenby & @TomProwse1

You can also post your solution on the Tableau Forum where we have a Preppin' Data community page. Post your solutions and ask questions if you need any help! 


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