2021: Week 15 - Restaurant Menu & Orders

Challenge by Amalia García-Vellido Santías

We have another guest challenge creator with this week's challenge coming from Amalia. 

This week we want to analyse the orders that customers have made over a period of time in our restaurant Serendipia. In order to identify how much money we earn each day of the week and also to discover who our top customer is. We are going to be using calculations, pivots and aggregations so lots of the fundamental techniques that are used within data prep!


Menu - contains the menu of the restaurant (notice that the structure is not ideal)

  • 9 fields
  • 10 rows (11 + header)

Orders - each row represents the order a single customer have made at a certain date

  • 3 fields
  • 40 rows (41 + headers)

  • Input the data

  • Modify the structure of the Menu table so we can have one column for the Type (pizza, pasta, house plate), the name of the plate, ID, and Price (hint)

  • Modify the structure of the Orders table to have each item ID in a different row (hint)

  • Join both tables (hint)

  • On Monday's we offer a 50% discount on all items. Recalculate the prices to reflect this

  • For Output 1, we want to calculate the total money for each day of the week (hint)

  • For Output 2, we want to reward the customer who has made the most orders for their loyalty. Work out which customer has ordered the most single items. (hint)

Output 1 - Daily Sales

Output 2 - Customer with most orders

You can download the full outputs here.

After you finish the challenge make sure to fill in the participation tracker, then share your solution on Twitter using #PreppinData and tagging @amaliagvs@Datajedininja@JennyMartinDS14 & @TomProwse1

You can also post your solution on the Tableau Forum where we have a Preppin' Data community page. Post your solutions and ask questions if you need any help! 

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