2021: Week 19 Prep Air Project Details

 Challenge by: Carl Allchin

Continuing on our fundamental skills theme in May, this week's challenge is all about string calculations. If you want to know more about what String data is and how you might want to work with it, you might want to check out our how to... deal with strings post. Pay particular attention to split, right, mid and find if you're getting stuck with this challenge! I've written another guide to the common functions that you might find use when working with Strings in Tableau. 

The Challenge

This week we are trying to find out more detail on what is going on with the project over runs in Prep Air (every data prepper's favourite airline). To get more detail than just what was shared last week we've uncovered the commentary log that sits behind our project management system. Like any system that holds the detail shown on the programme's interface in a log file, it has great detail but held in an unfriendly way. 

We need your help to get stuck into the messy data and extract out the useful details. 


One Excel file with 5 sheets of data.

There is one main page of data with four lookup tables that will help you change some abbreviations and codes to be full words.


There are lots of different ways you can do this challenge so rather than a step-by-step set of requirements, feel free to create each of these data fields in whatever order you like:
  • 'Week' with the word week and week number together 'Week x' 
  • 'Project' with the full project name
  • 'Sub-Project' with the full sub-project name
  • 'Task' with the full type of task
  • 'Name' with the owner of the task's full name (Week 18's output can help you check these if needed) 
  • 'Days Noted' some fields have comments that say how many days tasks might take. This field should note the number of days mentioned if said in the comment otherwise leave as a null. 
  • 'Detail' the description from the system output with the project details in the [ ] 


One file
7 data fields:
  • Week
  • Project
  • Sub-Project
  • Task
  • Name
  • Days Needed
  • Detail

18 rows of data (19 including headers)

Here's our full output for comparison. Remember we don't care about the order of the columns or rows as Tableau Desktop will import them in whatever order they come in!

After you finish the challenge make sure to fill in the participation tracker, then share your solution on Twitter using #PreppinData and tagging @Datajedininja@JennyMartinDS14 & @TomProwse1

You can also post your solution on the Tableau Forum where we have a Preppin' Data community page. Post your solutions and ask questions if you need any help! 

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