2022 Week 41 - Solution
Solution Video
Solution by Tom Prowse and you can download the workflow here.
This week's challenge is a continuation of last week, where we created a multiplication table using a static input. This week we want to take that a step further and make it dynamic based on a user input.
If you haven't already completed 2022 Week 40 then I would recommend doing that one first as we are going to use that workflow to start this solution.
Step 1 - Create Parameter
Step 2 - Filter Table
ELSE [Numbers] END
At this stage we should still have 2 rows... 1 and then our chosen number.
Step 3 - One Row for Each
As we are allowing the user to add any number, we need to make sure we don't have repeating rows if the user inputs 1. As a result, at the moment this will create two rows, both with a 1 in them and therefore cause some duplication later in the workflow.
To overcome this, we can add an Aggregation step, between the first clean and the New Rows step, and make sure the Numbers field is in the Group By. This will then return only 1 row for each given number.
After this our workflow should work as expected and we should be able to create the dynamic table.
Please Note: Remember last week we encountered a slight bug within Tableau Prep so you may need to run the first part of the workflow, and then update the input for the second part.
If 4 is selected then our output should look like this: