2022: Week 48 - Tiddlywinks Tidy

 Challenge by: Will Sutton

In this week's Preppin' Data we're collaborating with #GamesNightViz once more! We're looking at the Major Tiddlywinks Championship results. Before you ask, yes it is a serious game! Here's some terminology you may need to understand part of the challenge: 

pot-out or potout • the achievement of having all winks of a color in the pot.


One input this week taken from the English Tiddlywinks Association 


  • Input the data
  • Extract the Event id from the Event field
  • Parse the competitor field into Competitor and Association
  • For the first Games Output:
    • Reshape the data so we have a row per Game for each Event id and Competitor
    • Potouts are denoted by a * in the Score field. Add a boolean field to indicate whether there has been a Potout
    • Clean the Score field so that fractions are translated to decimals 
      • e.g. 2½ should be 2.5
  • For the second Results Output:
    • Remove the Games fields
    • Clean the Points field so that fractions are translated to decimals 
      • e.g. 2½ should be 2.5
    • Extract the Event Start Date from the description and translate it to a date data type
    • Ensure the field names are easy to understand
  • Output the datasets as separate sheets in the same Excel file


Output 1 - Games: 
  • 6 fields
    • Event id
    • Game Order
    • Competitor Name
    • Score
    • Poutout
    • note
  • 1,136 rows (1,137 including headers)
Output 2 - Results:

  • 10 fields
    • Event id
    • Competitor Name
    • Event
    • Event Start Date
    • Event Description
    • Association
    • Points
    • Wins
    • Losses
    • Ties
  • 142 rows (143 including headers)
You can download the full output here

After you finish the challenge make sure to fill in the participation tracker, then share your solution on Twitter using #PreppinData and #GamesNightViz and tagging @Datajedininja@JennyMartinDS14@TomProwse1 & @WJSutton12

You can also post your solution on the Tableau Forum where we have a Preppin' Data community page. Post your solutions and ask questions if you need any help! 

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