2023: Week 19 - TC Special

Challenge By: Carl Allchin

Welcome to the Tableau Conference Special for Preppin' Data. If it's your first time here then a very walk welcome to you! This week we have something pretty special planned for you with a 3 part challenge. The output for each part will flow through to the next part, allowing you to build to answer the ultimate question: Who is the person your boss has tasked you with finding and where are they?!

The only information your boss has given you is that they're presenting about data deduplication on the 2nd floor. The rest is up to you!

Beginner Level


The input for this challenge contains all the information about sessions. The presenter name, the subject and a detailed description are all squeezed into one field that we'll need to parse out.


Hint: String functions will be super useful for this challenge, learn more about them here
  • Input the data
  • Split out the Description field into Speaker Name and Presentation Description
  • Create the initials for each speaker
    • e.g.  Jenny Martin becomes JM
  • Categorize the Presentations into the following Subject areas:
    • Prep
    • Server
    • Community
    • Desktop
  • Create a Boolean (True/False) field for identifying talks that mention deduplication 
  • Filter to on talks that mention deduplication
  • Remove unnecessary fields
  • Output the data

Output 1

  • 4 fields
    • Subject
    • Speaker
    • Session Number
    • Deduplication Flag
  • 3 rows

Intermediate Level


This next input will join onto Output 1. It may need some reshaping first though to help us work out which 2nd floor sessions are about deduplication.


  • Input the data
  • Pivot the data so the Room and Floor number are on the same row
    • Filter out any unnecessary rows
    • Rename fields
  • Create a room number that also gives detail of the floor number
    • e.g. Room 2 on Floor 1 will be Room 102
  • Split out the Session Detail field into Session Name, Speaker and Subject
  • Join with Output 1
  • Filter to the session on the 2nd floor
  • Remove unnecessary fields
  • Output the data

Output 2

  • 4 fields
    • Speaker
    • Subject
    • Session Number
    • Room
  • 1 row

Advanced Level


The final input will join onto Output 2. It contains a distance matrix (in meters!) between rooms. Use this to work out how long it will take you to reach the person you need to talk to.


  • Input the data
  • Reshape the data so we have a column for Room A, a column for Room B and a column for the distance between them (in meters)
  • Exclude null rows
  • Exclude values between the same room
  • Assume you have a walking speed of 1.2 m/s. How many minutes will it take you to travel between rooms?
    • Round up to the nearest whole minute to account for busy conference corridors
  • Join to Output 2
  • You're currently in Room 302, how long will it take you to reach them?
  • Remove unnecessary fields
  • Output the data

Output 3

  • 6 fields
    • Room A
    • Room B
    • Minutes to the next room
    • Metres
    • Speaker
    • Subject
  • 1 row
After you finish the challenge make sure to fill in the participation tracker, then share your solution on Twitter using #PreppinData and tagging @Datajedininja@JennyMartinDS14 & @TomProwse1

You can also post your solution on the Tableau Forum where we have a Preppin' Data community page. Post your solutions and ask questions if you need any help! 

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