2023: Week 52 - Preppin' Classification

Challenge by: Jenny Martin

We've reached the end of another year and so, before we look forward to the next year, let's take a look back! This challenge is our 255th! Thank you to all who support Preppin' Data! 

Running this community project takes a lot of hard work, creativity and time behind the scenes, but something we've been asked for for many years is a way to understand the difficulty and techniques used by past challenges. At last, we bring you the data behind that! I've been chipping away at this in the background for many, many weeks and, unsurprisingly, there are definitely a few inconsistencies that we'll need to clean up! Never let your users have free text input, right? 

This will not only help everyone participating in Preppin' Data find the challenges they're most interested in, but it will also help us identify gaps and create challenges that continue to use different skillsets. At some point, it will also give us the opportunity to build a helpful dashboard, but that will probably need to wait until the new year now!


One input this week, detailing all the techniques used for each challenge:


  • Input the data
  • Split the themes, so each theme/technique has its own field
  • Reshape the data so all the themes are in 1 field
  • Group the themes together to account for inaccuracies
    • Don't worry about being too accurate here, the main things to focus on it grouping things like Join/Joins and Aggregate/Aggregation. The way we've chosen to do it leaves us with 73 values, but that did involve a lot of manual grouping.
  • Reshape the data so we can see how many challenges each Technique appears in, broken down by Level (as per the output)
  • Create a Total field across the levels for each Technique
  • Rank the challenges based on the Total field to find out which Techniques we should prioritise for challenge making
  • Output the data


  • 7 fields
    • Priority
    • Technique
    • Beginner
    • Intermediate
    • Advanced
    • 3-in-1
    • Total
  • 73 rows (74 including headers)
You can download the output from here.

After you finish the challenge make sure to fill in the participation tracker, then share your solution on Twitter using #PreppinData and tagging @Datajedininja@JennyMartinDS14 & @TomProwse1

You can also post your solution on the Tableau Forum where we have a Preppin' Data community page. Post your solutions and ask questions if you need any help! 

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