2024: Week 15 - Store Data Part 2

Challenge by: Hewan Zewdu

We're continuing with DS43's challenges so over to Hewan to explain the her next challenge. 


For this week’s Preppin Data challenge, we’ll continue looking at stock/ store data where some items had to be recalled from the shelves. This time we will be determining how long it has taken to remove those items, and whether or not they have been removed at all. All stores were told the items in the ‘Recalled Items’ table needed to be removed from shelves on 13/05/2025. They were given 1 week to recall all the items (i.e. this must have been completed by 20/05/2025).


There is 1 input file with two sheets which is identical to the previous challenge, but now containing a date field, which is the date the items were removed from the shelves. You can download the output from here.


  • Input the data
  • Calculate how long it has taken for each item to be removed, based off the day the recall was announced (13/05/2025)
  • Categorise items that were recalled on or by 20/05/2025 as ‘On Target’, those that were recalled after that date as ‘Overdue’, and those that haven’t been removed from the shelves yet as ‘Incomplete’
  • Calculate and rank stores by how long it takes them on average to remove the recalled items
  • Convert the average time it has taken for each store to remove recalled items to 2 fields for days and hours 
    • e.g. 6.5 days would be 6 days and 12 hours
  • Create an output for this
  • For items in the ‘Overdue and ‘Incomplete’ categories, calculate how many days overdue they are
  • Calculate how long, on average, each store is overdue, as well as how many items each store has to remove
  • Round to the nearest whole number
  • Create an output for this


  • 4 fields
    • Rank
    • Store
    • Days to Removal
    • Hours to Removal
  • 10 rows

  • 3 fields
    • Store
    • Avg Days Overdue
    • Quantity
  • 10 rows
After you finish the challenge make sure to fill in the participation tracker, then share your solution on Twitter using #PreppinData and tagging @Datajedininja@JennyMartinDS14 & @TomProwse1

You can also post your solution on the Tableau Forum where we have a Preppin' Data community page. Post your solutions and ask questions if you need any help! 

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