2024: Week 24 - SuperBytes Salaries Part 2

Challenge By: Andrew Tobin

We're continuing with DS43's challenges so over to Andrew to explain his next challenge. 


Manager salaries at SuperBytes are paid weekly. Salaries are consistent throughout a given manager’s employment, but may change when a manager is replaced. SuperBytes wants to know two things:

  1. How much have they been spending on manager salaries each week since the company’s founding?
  2. What percentage of annual expenses is going to manager salaries?


This week’s data has two sheets:

  • One is similar data to last week’s, but the cleaning and joining is already done for you, giving a single sheet containing manager salaries and tenure dates

  • The other contains the total expenses by year for the company


  • Input the data
  • Set the end date for current employees as 12th June 2024
  • Calculate the weekly salary of each manager (assuming 52 weeks in the year)
  • For each manager, create a row for every week they receive their salary
  • For the first output:
    • Total up the amount SuperBytes pays Manager Salaries each week
    • Round this value to 2 decimal places
  • For the second output:
    • Workout how much SuperBytes spends on Manager Salaries each year
    • Compare this to the total expenses for the company each year
    • Calculate the % Spent on Manager Salaries rounded to 1 decimal place
  • Output the data


The flow should have two output tables:

  • 2 fields
    • Week
    • Salary Payments
  • 830 rows (831 including headers)
  • 2 fields
    • Year
    • % Spent on Manager Salaries
  • 16 rows (17 including headers)

You can view the outputs here.

After you finish the challenge make sure to fill in the participation tracker, then share your solution on Twitter using #PreppinData and tagging @Datajedininja@JennyMartinDS14 & @TomProwse1

You can also post your solution on the Tableau Forum where we have a Preppin' Data community page. Post your solutions and ask questions if you need any help! 

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