2024: Week 38 Preppin' Consultancy Days

 Challenge by: Carl Allchin

This week we have some messy data concerning our consultancy business, Preppin' Consultants. We need your help to clean up the data to help us do some analysis. The data has been captured by our sales team manually — yes, we should have put a system in place sooner. Can you help?


One Excel workbook with three worksheets:

Engagements - details of each consultant booking (not all engagements occurred)

Initials - a list of letters to numbers 

Grade - job grade for the consultants in the business


  • Input all the worksheets in the Excel workbook
  • Create an Initials field that has is formed as two letters. The Consultant Forename and Consultant Surname fields hold the details
    • i.e. Carl Allchin in the data is 3,1 we need CA
  • Create an engagement start date and an engagement end date
    • The year is 2024 (in case you are doing this task after the normal release week)
  • Clean up the Grade field by finding the minimum grade per person within the data set
    • Call this field 'Corrected Grade'
  • Create an 'Engagement Order' based on the Engagement Start Date
  • For each individual person (identified by unique initials), remove any engagements where the start date occurs before the previous Engagement End Date
  • Join on the Grade details and remove the join clause fields
  • Output the data


6 data fields:
  • Engagement Start Date
  • Engagement End Date
  • Initials 
  • Engagement Order
  • Grade Name
  • Day Rate
719 rows (720 incl. headers)

You can view the output here.

After you finish the challenge make sure to fill in the participation tracker, then share your solution on Twitter using #PreppinData and tagging @Datajedininja@JennyMartinDS14 & @TomProwse1

You can also post your solution on the Tableau Forum where we have a Preppin' Data community page. Post your solutions and ask questions if you need any help! 

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