2020: Week 25

This week's challenge is a bit of a companion to Week 20's Cipher Solving Challenge, so if you liked that then hopefully you'll be a fan of this too! We're working with Roman Numerals and using the power of Prep to translate them into numbers that we can more easily manipulate in Tableau. In theory, once you've completed this challenge, you could use your resulting workflow to translate any Roman Numeral! Pretty cool, huh?

Remember that ordering is very important when reading Roman Numerals...



  • Input the data.
  • Find a way to split the Roman Numeral into individual characters (remember, order is important!)
  • Join the information relating to Roman Numeral values.
  • Depending on the ordering of characters in the Roman Numeral, some of these values will need a negative multiplier. 
  • Aggregate the values to complete the translation from Roman Numeral to number.
  • Output the data.


  • 2 fields
    • Number
    • Numeric Equivalent
  • 1 row (2 including headings)
Make sure to fill in the participation tracker, share using #PreppinData on Twitter and post you solutions onto our Tableau Forums community page so that we can compare our workflows! 

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