2022: Week 20 - TC22 Session Attendance

 Challenge by: Jenny Martin

It's time for TC22 and in celebration of the hybrid virtual and in person conference this year we're bringing you a TC themed challenge! We want to compile a list of those who were unable to attend the sessions they registered for. 

If you're new to the Preppin' Data challenges then welcome! We've included some extra hints for this challenge to help you get started, and would recommend going back to the beginning of the year for some more information about what Preppin' Data is all about.


We have 4 input datasets for this challenge:
  1. Registrations 

  2. Sessions Lookup Table 

  3. Online Attendees 

  4. In Person Attendees 


  • Input the data
  • In the Registrations Input, tidy up the Online/In Person field (hint)
  • From the Email field, extract the company name (hint)
    • We define the company name as being the text following the @ symbol, up to the .
  • Count the number of sessions each registered person is planning to attend (hint)
  • Join on the Session Lookup table to replace the Session ID with the Session name (hint)
  • Join the In Person Attendees dataset to the cleaned Registrations
    • You will need multiple join clauses
    • Think about the Join Type, we only want to return the names of those that did not attend the sessions they registered for
  • Filter to only include those who registered to be In Person (hint)
  • Join the Online Attendees dataset to the cleaned Registrations
    • You will need multiple join clauses
    • Think about the Join Type, we only want to return the names of those that did not attend the sessions they registered for
  • Filter to only include those who registered to be Online
  • Union together these separate streams to get a complete list of those who were unable to attend the sessions they registered for (hint)
  • Count the number of sessions each person was unable to attend (hint)
  • Calculate the % of sessions each person was unable to attend (hint)
    • Round this to 2 decimal places
  • Remove unnecessary fields 
  • Output the data


  • 7 fields
    • Company
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • Online/In Person
    • Session not attended
    • Not Attended %
  • 490 rows (491 rows including headers)
You can download the full output here

After you finish the challenge make sure to fill in the participation tracker, then share your solution on Twitter using #PreppinData and tagging @Datajedininja@JennyMartinDS14 & @TomProwse1

You can also post your solution on the Tableau Forum where we have a Preppin' Data community page. Post your solutions and ask questions if you need any help! 

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